Order your dress from anywhere in the world

Trust Taylor Dresses to design you the Irish Dancing Dress or Waistcoat of your dreams. This page explains how the ordering process works, whether you are here in Ireland or based around the world.

How to order with Taylor Dresses

We would be absolutely delighted to design and create your Irish Dance Dress or waistcoat ahead of your big reveal. As a family run business we pride ourselves in a very high level of customer service and a warm welcome.

Step One

Get in touch with us (ideally via the enquiry form on our website) or by telephone to give us a full picture of the type of dress you require, your location, dance school and other important questions we need to know in order to give you an idea of pricing. We will then come back to within 2 working days to give you an indication of price and lead time.

Step Two

If you choose Taylor Dresses we will then ask for a £300 deposit to secure your dressmaking slot.

Step Three

Get in touch with our team to arrange your consultation for approximately 6 weeks before your fit date (optionally you can do this via zoom if preferred or if based geographically far away from our studio). Dress fitting and consultation appointments take place from Monday to Friday. For remote fittings we can send you a video of how to measure for your dress accurately and help you via email.

1 -2 weeks before your dress fitting we will provide you with a sketch design of the front of your dress for approval. Once approved, if required we can also provide a sketch of the back of your dress.

Once the design process is complete and signed off, your designer will send you a confirmation email explaining the colours, fabrics and embellishments they would recommend for your design.

Step Four

This is the stage your creation really comes alive! Join us for an exciting day to watch the creation of your dress. At this stage you are ready for your dress fitting if you have booked an in-person appointment. On your fitting day please bring a zip up jacket, shorts, a bra top and dance socks. You can optionally bring makeup and a wig for ‘before and after’ style photos. The best bit? You will take your dress home with you at the end of this day!

If you are based elsewhere in the world, 2-3 days after your estimated completion date we will send photographs of your completed dress for sign off before shipping. Prepare yourself for the most exciting package you have ever received!